Company Parking
Company Parking

Company Parking

Company Parking

There is a small Pay and Display Car Park at the rear of New Theatre on Park Road. The postcode is PE1 2TJ.

You are allocated a number of spaces within the pay and display car park for your company to use as part of your visit. Please liaise with your Company / Tour Manager if your vehicle is part of this allocation.

Registration numbers should be provided in advance so we can ensure they are whitelisted from our parking management system. Failure to do this will result in a parking notice being issued if you do not get a ticket from the machine within 10 minutes of entering the car park.

It helps us greatly, especially on get-out days if the dock door is kept clear of obstructions. For bigger shows, the car park may be out of use on get in / get out days so that trucks can have sole use of the area.

For any queries please speak to your Company / Tour Manager or a member of our in-house technical team.